June 12, 2015, Friday, as per Presidential Proclamation No. 831, has been declared by Malacañang as a regular holiday in observance of the Philippine Independence Day.
Regular Holiday this June 2015:
June 12, 2015, Friday
Philippine Independence Day
Regular Holiday
Since it falls on a Friday, it’s going to be a long 3-day weekend for us corporate ants. File a vacation leave for Thursday, June 11, and you just extended your long weekend to 4! Happy vacation!
In this regard, employees who are assigned to work on this day will be given premium pay in accordance with their company’s existing policies.
It’s the start of the off-peak season but we’re not exactly in the rainy season yet. Might be high time to have a relaxing getaway at the Island of Boracay!
CHECK OUT where best to stay:
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